

英 [praɪs]
美 [praɪs]


  • n.


  • vt.


  • 变形



    1. [C][U]价格,价钱 amount of money for which sth is to be bought or sold
    2. [S]代价 what must be done, given or experienced to get or keep sth
    1. vt. 标价,定价 mark goods with a price; fix the price for sth
    2. vt. 问价,估价 ask about the price of sth; find or estimate the price of sth


    price[ prais ]

    • n.
      • the amount of money needed to purchase something

        "the price of gasoline"


      • the property of having material worth (often indicated by the amount of money something would bring if sold)

        "he puts a high price on his services"

        同义词:monetary valuecost

      • value measured by what must be given or done or undergone to obtain something

        "the price of success is hard work"; "what price glory?"


      • the high value or worth of something

        "her price is far above rubies"

      • a monetary reward for helping to catch a criminal

        "the cattle thief has a price on his head"

      • cost of bribing someone

        "they say that every politician has a price"

      • United States operatic soprano (born 1927)

        同义词:Leontyne PriceMary Leontyne Price

    • v.
      • determine the price of

        "The grocer priced his wares high"

      • ascertain or learn the price of

        "Have you priced personal computers lately?"



    用作名词 (n.)
    • accept the price接受价格
    • advance price提高价格
    • advance in price价格上涨
    • affect price影响价格
    • agree to the price接受价格
    • ask price打听价格
    • assign price定价
    • bargain price讨价还价
    • bring down price使物价下降
    • calculate price计算价格
    • change price改变价格
    • control price控制物价
    • cut price削价
    • cut down price减价
    • decide price决定价格
    • decline (in) price跌价
    • demand price要价
    • drop (in) price跌价
    • enhance price提高价格
    • establish price确定价格
    • fetch price卖…的价钱
    • figure out price计算出价格
    • fix price定价格
    • force up price哄抬物价
    • freeze price冻结物价
    • get price for sth因某事得到酬报
    • have one's price有自己的价值
    • hike price涨价
    • hold down price降低价格
    • increase price提高价格
    • inquire price询问价钱
    • keep down price降低价格
    • keep up price抬高价格
    • maintain price保持价格
    • make price开价,定价
    • mark price标出价格
    • mark down price削价
    • mark up price提高价格
    • offer price出价
    • pay price付出价钱,付出代价
    • pay price for为…付出代价
    • place price on sb's head悬赏缉拿或杀死某人
    • place price on sth给某物定价
    • put price on sth给某物定价
    • put price on sb's head悬赏缉拿某人
    • quote price报价
    • raise price提高价格
    • reduce price降低价格
    • regulate price调控物价
    • roll back price削价
    • set price定价格
    • settle price商定价格
    • slash price削价
    • stabilize price稳定价格
    • take one dollar off price减价一美元
    • undercut price压低价格
    • advertised price广告上的价格
    • agreed price商定的价格
    • any price任何代价
    • approximate price大概价格,近似的价格
    • average price平均价,一般的价格
    • basic price基价
    • below-cost price低于成本价
    • best price高价
    • certain price某一价格
    • competitive price富有竞争力的价格
    • considerable price相当好的价钱
    • constant price不变价格
    • current price现价,市价
    • definite price明确的价格
    • double price两倍价钱
    • exorbitant price过高的价格
    • fair price适中的价格,公道的价格
    • favourable price优惠的价格
    • fixed price固定的价格
    • flat price统一价格
    • floating price浮动价格
    • forward price期货价格
    • full price全价
    • good price好价钱
    • government-planned price国家计划价格
    • great price高价,高昂的代价
    • half price半价
    • heavy price高昂的代价
    • high price高价
    • honest price and goods货真价实
    • just price合理的价格
    • low price低价
    • minimum price最低价格
    • moderate price适中的价格,公道的价格
    • national price全国性的物价
    • net price实价
    • non-profit price非营利价
    • normal price正常价格
    • official price官价
    • original price原价
    • prohibitive price高得使人不敢买的价格
    • real price实际价格
    • reasonable price合理的价格,适中的价格,公道的价格
    • reduced price折扣价格
    • regular price普通价格,一般价格,正常价格
    • right price合理的价格
    • satisfactory price满意的价格
    • small price廉价
    • stable price稳定的物价
    • state-listed price国营牌价
    • steep price高价
    • the cheapest price最便宜的价钱
    • unacceptable price无法接受的价格
    • uniform price统一价格
    • usual price通常的价格
    • asking price(卖主的)开价
    • black-market price黑市价格
    • buying price(买主的)出价
    • cash price现金价
    • ceiling price最高价
    • clearance price清仓价
    • closing price收盘价
    • contract price合同价格
    • cost price成本价
    • discount price折扣价
    • floor price最低价
    • going price市价
    • grain price谷物价格
    • list price价目单定价
    • market price市场价格
    • oil price油价
    • procurement price采购价格
    • purchase price买主的出价
    • purchasing price收购牌价
    • reference price参考价格
    • resale price转卖价格
    • reserve price〈英〉(拍卖中的)开拍价格,最低价格
    • retail price零售价
    • rock bottom price最低价
    • selling price售价
    • share price股票价格
    • unit price单价
    • upset price〈美〉(拍卖中的)开拍价格,最低价格
    • price mark价格标签
    • price range物价幅度
    • price tag价格标签
    • above price无价(之宝)
    • at price以…的价钱
    • at price of以…的代价
    • make guess at price of猜出…的价钱
    • beyond price无价(之宝)
    • big jump in price物价暴涨
    • list of price价目单
    • table of price价格表
    • without price无价(之宝)
    • price for…的价格
    • price for goods商品的价格
    • price of blood血的代价
    • price of success成功的代价
    • price on some items某些物品价格
    用作动词 (v.)
    • price the garments给服装标价
    • price the house给房子标价
    • price the porcelain给瓷器标价
    • price these goods给这些货物标价
    • price high定价高
    • price attractively诱人地标价
    • price clearly明码标价
    • price competitively有竞争力地定价
    • price economically经济定价
    • price lowly定价低
    • price moderately定价适中
    • price modestly定价适度
    • price plainly明码标价
    • price reasonably定价合理
    • price sensationally定价惊人
    • price sensibly定价合理
    • price up(不合理地)提高物价
    • price sth at给某物定价为
    • price in以…定价
    • price oneself out of the market因要价太高而没有市场


    reasonable price合理价格;价格公道

    low price低价;廉价

    market price市价

    unit price[商]单价

    competitive price竞争价格;公开招标价格

    sale price n. 特价;廉价

    oil price油价;原油价格

    stock price股票价格;股票行市;交易所卖价

    in price在价格上;在价格方面;就价格而言

    high price高价格

    best price最佳价格

    at a price以很高的代价;以较高的价格

    cost price成本价格

    lowest price最低价格

    share price[经]股价

    price list价目表

    price index n. 物价指数

    lower price低价;降价

    at the price of adj. 以……的价格;以……的代价

    purchase price买价,进货价格



    price, prize

    price 价格, The price is high/low.

    prize 奖,奖品,奖金 win the first prize

    fee, expense, price, charge, fare, cost









    1. I wonder why the company keeps its price so low.
    2. No price is too high for winning their support.
    3. It will be cheap at the price if this tour can keep the whole family happy.
    1. I'll ask an expert to price the old car.
    2. The dresses in the shop are priced high.
    3. I don't know enough about porcelain to be able to price these plates.
    4. The assistant priced the garments before putting them on display.
    5. I want to price the beds in a few shops before I buy any.


    Price, The Logic of Animal Conflict
    Automobile Price in Market Equilibrium
    The Behavior of Stock Market Price
    Effects of price, brand, and store information on buyers' product evaluations.
    Rational Expectations and the Theory of Price Movements
    The Dividend-Price Ratio and Expectations of Future Dividends and Discount Factors
    Optimal monetary policy with staggered wage and price contracts ☆
    Internet Advertising and the Generalized Second-Price Auction: Selling Billions of Dollars Worth of Keywords
    Evidence of the effect of trust building technology in electronic markets: price premiums and buyer behavior
    Evidence of the effect of trust building technology in electronic markets: Price premiums and buyer behavior
    下一篇:price change